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Iran - Gewerkschaftsf¸hrer Osanloo vom Regime verschleppt


To the attention of

Reza Zabib

First Councillor

Responsible for relations

with the European Parliament

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Dear Mr. Zabib,

we are alarmed about the arrest of Mr. Mansour Osanloo, President of the ITF-affiliated bus workersí union, Sandikaye Kargarane Sherkate Vahed (Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company) on 10 June. According to eye witnesses he was severely beaten upon his arrest. Mr. Osanloo visited Brussels only recently and at that ocasion - we are sorry to say - concerns already existed about what could happen to him on his return to Iran. We consider Mr. Osanloo a prisoner of conscience who is solely detained on the basis of the peaceful expression of his beliefs, notably defending the union rights of Teheran's bus drivers. Therefore we call for his immediate release.

We are also concerned about the detention of trade union activist Mahmoud Salehi, Spokesperson for the Organisational Committee to Establish Trade Unions, who has again been arrested on 9 April and is believed to need urgent medical treatment.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and therefore leagally bound legally bound to respect its core principles including the principle of the freedom of association. The Ministry of Labour has repeatedly reassured to the Brussels based International Trade Union Umbrella ITUC that it is committed to workersí rights and dialogue with the international trade union movement.

We therefore urge your government to take every possible to step to release Mr. Osanloo and Mr. Salehi and to identify those responsible for their illegal arrests.

In the hope to receive a prompt reply

Sincerely Yours

Angelika Beer

Chair of the European Parliament Delegation with Iran


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